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Law Student returned to life with lung transplantation

Law student came back to life with lung transplantation, 20 years of law student struggles with genetic disease

ISTANBUL – For many years, Law School Ece Sapancalı, who is struggling with cystic fibrosis disease, has come back to life with a successful lung transplant. The patient was donated for Ece Sapanca and was transferred to the lung transplant list in April 2018. She was operated on October 17 with the discovery of the right donor. Dr. Ahmet Erdal Tasci Thoracic Surgery Training officer Lung Transportofficier: "I do not do anything alone, we're a team Transplants are not personal, but the success of teams She had problems with the airways for a long time He applied to our hospital We did the necessary tests performed and decided to execute lung transplantation The right lungs are out and she was transported to her Today we are planning to be discharged The lungs have a period of time outside the body We accept this as 10 hours The surgery of Ece Nur lasted 8 hours Lung transplant is not like kidney transplant Turkey waiting for kidney transplants in general between 10,000-20,000 in treatment Lung transplant in Turkey has recognized us for new applicants in 80 out of 100 patients since Turkey since 2009 These values ​​are 10 to one in 50. "Mother Feza Sapancalı says they are very lucky:" Ece we're struggling already 20 year with a genetic condition called Cystic Fibrosis. In general, the lung appeared to be a lung transplant after an inconvenience. This was an opportunity for us. Erdal Hoca and his team at the Istanbul Kartal Koşuyolu High Specialization Training and Research Hospital really gave us a chance. Very valuable people that we never pay their labor. Then we are busy with recovery. The awareness about organ donation must increase. Of course we have this opportunity in our country. We want everyone to have such a chance, "he said.

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