Glycosaminoglycans as Multifunctional Anti-Elastase and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Cystic Fibrosis L
Neutrophil elastase (NE) is a major protease in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) that activates airway inflammation by...
World-first clinical trial raises hopes of new drug for chronic lung disease
CHRONIC lung disease sufferers could be aided by a new drug which helps reduce the need for antibiotics, according to a clinical trial....
Brensocatib prolongs time to first pulmonary exacerbation in patients with bronchiectasis
Treatment with brensocatib for 24 weeks significantly prolonged time to first pulmonary exacerbation in patients with non-cystic fibrosis...

Lung CT Scans May Help Predict Mortality Risk of IPF Patients
Lung evaluations via a CT scan might help predict the mortality risk in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients more accurately than...

Coronavirus Update: New COVID-19 Antibiotic, WLBU2, Has Been Developed That Could Fight Lung Infecti
According to a report from The Dailymail, a new COVID-19 antibiotic has been developed that could potentially fight lung infections, such...

This new treatment helps 90% of cystic fibrosis patients breathe better
Vertex’s Trikafta was the second-fastest FDA approval in history, and could help some 27,000 patients. In October 2019, Vertex...

New X-Ray Technology For Better Management Of Lung Diseases
Australia: Researchers at Monash University have developed radical non-invasive X-ray technology to help diagnose, treat and manage...

Researchers describe unique genetic identity of primordial lung progenitors Findings may lead to bet
(Boston)--For the first time, researchers describe the genetic program behind primordial lung progenitors--embryonic cells that give rise...
Study Describes Genetic Mechanisms Behind Embryonic Lung Cells
The researchers hope the findings could one day lead to cell replacement therapies for respiratory diseases, including chronic...
This 3-drug combo can improve lungs affected by cystic fibrosis
A phase three clinical trial conducted by UT Southwestern led to the conclusion that a three-drug blend could enhance lung functions and...