Vertex Wins FDA Approval for Expanded Cystic Fibrosis Treatment
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: VRTX) shares saw a handy gain on Thursday after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the...

Orkambi Not Seen to Significantly Improve Blood Glucose Levels in CF Patients in Small Study
Analysis of blood glucose levels in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients being treated with Orkambi (ivacaftor/lumacaftor) shows that the...

Acebilustat Seen to Prevent Pulmonary Exacerbations in CF Patients in Phase 2b Trial
Topline data from a Phase 2b trial showed that the investigative therapy acebilustat taken once daily can reduce the number and frequency...

Specific Gene Mutation Causes Severe CF in Georgian Jewish Patients, Study Reports
The Q359K/T360K gene mutation, which is commonly found in Jewish patients of Georgian descent, is associated with a particularly severe...

CF Babies More Likely to be Born Preterm, Weigh Less, Study Finds
Babies with cystic fibrosis (CF) are more likely to be born preterm — less than 37 weeks of pregnancy — and have significantly lower...

Supplemental antioxidants may reduce exacerbations in cystic fibrosis
An antioxidant-enriched vitamin may decrease respiratory exacerbations in people with cystic fibrosis (CF), according to new research...

Nanoparticles Therapy May Be ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Approach for CF, Study Suggests
A potential therapy delivered through nanoparticles enables production of the normal, healthy form of the key CFTR protein in cystic...

Pancreatic Cell Transplant Program Offers New Hope to Some CF Patients
The University of North Carolina (UNC) is among only a few institutions in the United States that offers patients with inflamed pancreas...

The 2019 European Cystic Fibrosis Conference to be held in Liverpool
ACC Liverpool will be the venue for the European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, to be held in the city for the first time. ACC Liverpool...

Study finds antioxidant-enriched vitamin reduces respiratory illnesses in patients with CF
Children's Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado School of Medicine lead a multicenter clinical trial that identifies benefits...