Nanoparticles Therapy May Be ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Approach for CF, Study Suggests
A potential therapy delivered through nanoparticles enables production of the normal, healthy form of the key CFTR protein in cystic...

Pancreatic Cell Transplant Program Offers New Hope to Some CF Patients
The University of North Carolina (UNC) is among only a few institutions in the United States that offers patients with inflamed pancreas...

Vertex Pharmaceuticals opens expanded San Diego research center with focus on cystic fibrosis
Vertex Pharmaceuticals opened its new San Diego research center Monday, starting a new chapter in a decades-long quest to not only treat...

WVU Medicine Granted CFF Accreditation for its Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program
The Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program at West Virginia University Medicine’s Mountain State Cystic Fibrosis Center was recently awarded...

Immunosuppressive drug therapy for preventing rejection following lung transplantation in cystic fib
Abstract Background For people with cystic fibrosis and advanced pulmonary damage, lung transplantation is an available and viable...
Award granted to Neem Biotech to develop antimicrobial intervention for chronic lung infections
Neem Biotech, a Wales based R&D pharmaceutical biotech working in the field of novel antimicrobial drug development, is pleased to...

Understanding How Bacteria ‘Talk’ Could Hold Key for New CF Treatments, Study Suggests
New research provides insights into how bacteria “talk” to each other in lung infections, which could provide strategies to block these...

The 2019 European Cystic Fibrosis Conference to be held in Liverpool
ACC Liverpool will be the venue for the European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, to be held in the city for the first time. ACC Liverpool...

#ECFS2018 – Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Boosts Antibiotic’s Ability to Kill Resistant P. aeruginosa S
Combining the approved multiple sclerosis treatment glatiramer acetate with the antibiotic tobramycin improved its ability to kill...

#ECFS2018 – 3 Scientists Win 2018 ‘Young Investigators Awards’ for Innovative CF Research
The European Cystic Fibrosis Society presented three scientists — one Portuguese, one Mexican, and one German — with the organization’s...