267K newborns examined as part of Egypt's presidential initiative: Health Ministry
Egypt Today staff CAIRO - The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population announced Saturday that 267,000 babies have been screened thus...

Life-extending cystic fibrosis drug Trikafta made available on PBS to children aged six and over
ABC Capricornia / By Katrina Beavan Posted Thu 6 Apr 2023 at 5:13amThursday 6 Apr 2023 at 5:13am, updated Thu 6 Apr 2023 at 10:57pm Mum...

Orkambi seems to reduce CF lung damage in preschool-age children
Study suggests treatment can modify disease progression in very young patients by Marisa Wexler, MS | April 3, 2023 In a small clinical...

The Palestinian primary ciliary dyskinesia population: first results of the diagnostic, and genetic
Nisreen Rumman, Mahmoud R. Fassad, Corine Driessens, Patricia Goggin, Nader Abdelrahman, Adel Adwan, Mutaz Albakri, Jagrati Chopra, Regan...
Improvements in body mass index of children with cysticfibrosis following implementation of a stand
Yasemin Gokdemir MD1 | Ela Erdem Eralp MD1 | Almala Pinar Ergenekon MD1 | Cansu Yilmaz Yegit MD1 | Muruvvet Yanaz MD1 | Hakan Mursaloglu...
Extracellular vesicles can be isolated from CF patients’ blood
Contents may be different from those without disease by Marisa Wexler, MS | March 20, 2023 Packets of molecular cargo called...

Parenting a child with chronic illness brings hardship, wisdom
One challenge is helping others understand the nature of invisible illness by Jennifer Chamberlain | February 28, 2023 The ski instructor...

Kaftrio may relieve sinonasal symptoms in CF patients: Study
Kaftrio, a combination of elexacaftor, tezacaftor, and ivacaftor marketed as Trikafta in the U.S., may relieve much of the discomfort...

Cystic fibrosis patients pitch for life-saving drugs that are currently unavailable in India
Cystic fibrosis is life-threatening as it damages both the lungs and the digestive system, with those undiagnosed often dying in infancy....

MAMI- Quality Improvement at Marmara CF Center in Istanbul
In December 2022, MECFA wrapped up a 2 year quality improvement program aimed at increasing patient health outcomes in Turkey. The MaMi...