Eleven medicines backed for EU approval
The European Medicines Agency human medicines committee (CHMP) has backed eleven medicines for approval at its July 2020 meeting,...

Glycosaminoglycans as Multifunctional Anti-Elastase and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Cystic Fibrosis L
Neutrophil elastase (NE) is a major protease in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) that activates airway inflammation by...
Urine Marker Could Help in Screening for CF Lung Infections, Study Finds
Measuring levels of a molecule called lipoarabinomannan, or LAM, in a person’s urine could be an easier way of screening for airway...

Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Hosts Key Opinion Leader Webinar on ARO-ENaC for Treatment of Cystic Fibro
PASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: ARWR) is hosting a key opinion leader webinar today at 12:00...
AzurRx Begins Phase 2b Trial Testing MS1819 for Pancreatic Insufficiency in CF Patients
AzurRx BioPharma has launched a Phase 2b clinical trial investigating its MS1819 as a potential treatment for exocrine pancreatic...

Smoking, Respiratory Issues, Older Age Raise Hospital Costs, Chinese Study Finds
Older age, smoking, and having other respiratory symptoms and conditions increase the hospitalization costs of people with...

Positive Results from Phase 2 WILLOW Study of Brensocatib in Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronc
--Brensocatib Shown to Reduce Time to First Pulmonary Exacerbation and Reduce Rate of Exacerbations Versus Placebo-- --New Data...

World-first clinical trial raises hopes of new drug for chronic lung disease
CHRONIC lung disease sufferers could be aided by a new drug which helps reduce the need for antibiotics, according to a clinical trial....
The Multidisciplinary Team Improves Cystic Fibrosis Outcomes
CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF) is an inherited autosomal recessive disease, and it affects approximately 30,000 Americans. Chronic, progressive,...
Women With CF Use Combined Hormonal Contraceptives More Than Other Methods, Study Reports
Among women of childbearing age with cystic fibrosis (CF), the use of combined hormonal contraceptives containing both estrogen and...