The search for molecular glue in targeted disease control
In cells, there are proteins that do the work and proteins that regulate them. The latter inhibit or enhance activity, depending on the...

Vest Therapy Lowers Risk of Hospitalization in Non-CF Bronchiectasis, Study Says
One year of vest therapy with high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) can reduce the risk of hospitalization and the use of...

Harvard is working with Boston hospitals to test existing cystic fibrosis drug to help coronavirus p
Researchers at Harvard University announced this week it will begin examining if an existing drug used to treat cystic fibrosis could...
Eleven medicines backed for EU approval
The European Medicines Agency human medicines committee (CHMP) has backed eleven medicines for approval at its July 2020 meeting,...

Glycosaminoglycans as Multifunctional Anti-Elastase and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Cystic Fibrosis L
Neutrophil elastase (NE) is a major protease in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) that activates airway inflammation by...
Urine Marker Could Help in Screening for CF Lung Infections, Study Finds
Measuring levels of a molecule called lipoarabinomannan, or LAM, in a person’s urine could be an easier way of screening for airway...