Call For CF Research Abstracts for MECFC 2018.
Abstracts containing exciting CF research that offer greater insight into pathophysiology, treatment or care of CF are eligible for submission.
Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2018
Authors will be notified at the end of February if their abstracts have been accepted. Accepted recent development abstracts will be displayed in their own section of the poster area at the MECFC 2018. Authors will be required to present their recent development abstracts in poster form only. Accepted recent development abstracts will be published in MECFC 2018 Conference Program.
Access to abstracts will be available on the conference website and MECFA website.
Submission Instructions & Rules
Recent development abstracts must be submitted via
Please see submission rules.
Accepted Abstracts: Publication
Abstracts accepted for presentation at the MECFC 2018 and symposium session presentation summaries are published as a supplement to the Conference Program. The MECFC 2018 conference program will be available at the MECFA website as of March 10, 2018. (website subscription is not required).
Accepted Abstracts: Poster Presentation
All accepted abstracts must be presented in 4' x 4' poster and displayed in the designated Exhibit area. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified as to when they will be required to attend poster sessions.
Accepted Abstracts: ePosters
As an enhancement to the MECFC 2018 program, posters can be submitted electronically. ePosters allow participants to view the posters electronically at their convenience, only in the Exhibit area during the conference. This will provide increased exposure to authors’ posters, in addition to the poster discussion presentation time during the scheduled MECFC poster sessions. Eposters can be submitted to for review and acceptance.
Accepted Abstracts: Oral Presentation
In addition to being presented in poster form, certain abstracts accepted during the regular abstract submission period will be selected for oral presentation during the main medical and scientific sessions. If an author’s abstract is accepted for oral presentation, they will receive notification with further instructions.
Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2018, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
Submit Abstracts and Eposters to Please include "Abstract Submission" in your email subject line.
To be considered for acceptance, all abstracts must comply with the following submission instructionRules for Submitting Abstracts.
Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline date.
Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Abstracts should be as informative as possible and must:
state the specific objective of the study;
state methods;
include sufficient data to support conclusions; and
state conclusions.
Abstracts should not contain proprietary or confidential information.
Generic drug names should be used. Use of a brand name is permissible if it appears in parentheses after the generic name.
PROOFING YOUR ABSTRACT CAREFULLY IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. If accepted, the abstract will be published exactly as it is submitted.
There is a limit of 3,500 characters (including spaces) for the entire text of your abstract submission (title, authors, institutions, abstract body, table and/or image, if any).
Genus/species names should be italicized, as well as genes, loci, and alleles; and parts of chemical names as appropriate (including cis, trans, ortho, and para).
Commonly used Latin terms (in vivo, in vitro) should not be italicized.
Avoid starting a sentence with a numeral. E.g., instead of “52 subjects completed the survey,” use, “The survey was completed by 52 subjects.”
Section headings (Introduction, Methods, etc) should be in bold.
Because you are limited to 3,500 characters (including spaces) for all sections, we suggest the following space‐saving measures:
Do not double‐space between sentences. Do not accidentally add spaces at the ends of paragraphs – these count against the character length.
Standard abbreviations for affiliations may be used, including Dept., Div., Univ., Inc.
Enter the entire title in uppercase letters. Do not use all uppercase or all lower ase letters in names and addresses when creating an account, or when entering authors/ institutions for an abstract.
Please use initial caps followed by lowercase letters (i.e., John Smith, Children’s Hospital, 123 Main Street, City, State, Country).
If typing the title and body directly into the text boxes below, you must insert all Greek and special symbols (e.g., Δ β © ™) using the Insert Special Character icon located above and to the right of the Title and Abstract Body text boxes.
If abbreviations are used, spell out the term in full upon its first use and follow it with the abbreviation in parentheses. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition, e.g., CFTR, NIH, FEV1.
Do not include the title and/or authors/institutions in the body of your abstract.
Place acknowledgements at the end of the abstract, e.g., Supported by __________.
Submit your abstracts and ePosters to You may submit in any form, ie word, ppt, pdf. Please include "Abstract submission" in your emailed submission.
If you have submission questions, please conatct Prof. Bulent Karadag using the form below.