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Boston to Jordan          

We are giving breath to 424 Cystic Fibrosis patients in Jordan and you can help us reach our goal.

Campaign Goal

Our campaign goal is to raise $42,400 to purchase

424 Omoron C28 Nebulizer and accessories

for CF patients in Jordan. 


With Your Help

Our goal is to ensure 424 patients in Jordan have access to a Cystic Fibrosis nebulizer and equipment, giving them breath for 1full year or more.

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Let’s do this together.

from Prof. Ahmet Uluer

In July of 2023, Ahmet Uluer (pulmonologist), Lena Joseph (nurse), Carolyn Snell (psychologist), Eleni Moulis (physical therapist) and Laura Truex (dietitian), part of the Boston Children’s Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Center, are traveling to Jordan to begin a 2 year Quality Improvement program. Our aim is to organize and help establish formal CF centers in Jordan to better address the needs of their CF community.
Our CF Center is part of an International Mentoring Training Initiative (IMTI), sponsored by the CF Foundation, with the goal of mentoring local group of multidisciplinary providers from low and middle income countries (LMICs) to become mentors themselves and offer guidance to other providers in their own country and region. 
We are joined by several other critical team members, including Noor El-Shaar, our patient partner and an advocate for people with CF locally, in the middle east, and everywhere, and who has a strong connection to this region as a member of the Syrian community. She will not be traveling with us but our mission would not be possible without her help and support. We are also being joined in person by Fadi Asfour and Samah Awad (pediatric pulmonologists from the University of Utah and Arkansas, respectively) as well as Ala ShaikhKhalil (pediatric gastroenterologist from Nationwide Children’s Hospital). 
In addition to our Quality Improvement work, we will be participating in a MECFA hosted (co-sponsor of our trip with CFF) family conference on July 9th, themed "Road Map To Care." This conference will focus on teaching families how to manage CF at home and where they can turn for support within Jordan. 
During the family event  we hope to donate  Omron C8 compressor/nebulizer and 1 years supply of essential accessories to patients. Currently the government does not provide nebulizers to patients and many families cannot afford to purchase out of pocket.

With appreciation to Andrew Kurban, a parent of a CF community member and generous philanthropist, we have launched this fundraiser with the help of MECFA to purchase nebulizers and accessories for 424 registered patients in Jordan. Please consider donating and give the gift of breath to CF patients in Jordan.
100% of donations will go directly to the purchase of compressor/nebulizers and accessories.  
Thank you for your support,

Ahmet, Laura, Eleni, Lena and Carolyn

What Do Cystic Fibrosis Patients Need?

Every CF patient needs access to an inhalation device with 3 essential components: An electric-powered compressor (Turbo), a nebulizer, and an oxygen mask/mouthpiece. 

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Pick your Donation Pack

There are several ways to donate to help in the purchase of necessary nebulizer equipment to enable a child to breathe. In collaboration with MECFA, the device manufacturer Omron Jordan is generously providing this life-giving equipment at a discounted price.

Donate Today


1 Child 1 Year

1 Year Turbo

1 Year Nebulizer

1 Year Mask Supply


Other Donation Packs 

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Corporate Matching

Prof. Uleur & MECFA appreciate your support and corporate matching programs set up to help causes like ours. Additional information about MECFA can be found below:

Middle East Cystic Fibrosis Association


Chestnut Hill, MA




Cystic Fibrosis in Jordan

Cystic Fibrosis patients in the Middle East, and specifically in Jordan, face substantial  challenges to access essential medication, equipment and quality of care to manage their disease. Currently the average life expectancy for CF patients in Jordan is below 15. 

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