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Hey There

Do you want to be a change maker for people with Cystic Fibrosis? 

Did you know that hundreds, even thousands of CF patients in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia are living without access to drugs like enzymes, Dnase, vitamins, modulators and inhaled antibiotics to treat and manage their disease? And sadly, most health ministries do not consider CF a priority leaving patients with few option and all most certian early death. You can help MECFA change this by adding your signature to the

MECFA Access Petion.

*This petition and your signature will be shared with health ministy officials and government decision makers in MECFA member countries where we lobby for patient care and drug access. 

The MECFA Access Petition

Dear Health Minister and Health officials,

We, the signatories, speak for individuals with cystic fibrosis, their caregivers, and loved ones. We are writing to request that you take into account the medical requirements of patients in your nation and provide necessary medications and medical care.
Numerous patients in the MENA and Central Asia regions suffer from the fatal genetic illness cystic fibrosis.The body produces viscous, sticky mucus as a result of CF, which clogs the airways and digestive tract and can cause life-threatening infections.
Although significant success has been made in treating the disease's fundamental symptoms, many patients in the MENA and Central Asian regions are unable to afford these medications. CF needs targeted, specialized treatment and medications.

In order to guarantee that all patients in your country have access to life-saving medications and specialized care, we are asking that you include CF in your health care budget. 
Respectfully submitted,

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Thanks for signing the MECFA Access Petition

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